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Sunday, May 31, 2015


Today I am thankful. I am thankful that Ayden was able to participate in his cousin's birthday party. Something so simple to most is huge for us. I have fears about doing everything because I do not want to ever put him in a situation that triggers a seizure. He misses out on a lot of activities because of my fears. I fear his seizures. I fear the next one. I fear how long they will last. I fear the medication he takes. Today there was no fear. Today it was all about a celebration of my perfect little niece's third birthday. Ayden loves her so much. She is is his Sissy. His one and only sissy. Another fear the seizure's have given me. I'm scared to give him siblings because I do not want another special baby to ever go through what my little angel has been through. Do you fear this? Do you have fears?

As I said earlier, today is about being thankful. I am thankful for each and everyday that my little man is able to play and participate in the activities all the other children get to participate in daily without a thought.

Thank you Lord for today. Thank you for your daily blessings.