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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holidays 2014

Wow!!! We have been celebrating the birth of Jesus for a week now. How incredibly blessed we are to be loved by our Savior. His love has brought me through the toughest times of my life.

Merry Christmas to you all!! Do you have any family traditions? We really haven't started any with Ayden. My mom always gets me, my sister, and our families pajamas that we open on Christmas Eve. The more places people have to go the crazier and less consistent traditions seem to get. I must say the Lord blessed us this year with Ayden's health. As you know seizures are very unpredictable. Ayden was sick with a little cold the week before, but he made a speedy recovery in time for Santa and his many surprises.

Ayden doesn't really get to play with other kids because of the stimulation to his brain. This past week he has been able to play with all of his cousins!! It can bring tears to my eyes just thinking back at how excited he gets when he gets to play with other kids. He is such a loving little boy. He does tend to pinch sometimes.. All kids do right? =/ He sure made my Christmas extra special. We did alot of running around. Not near as much as most, but alot for Ayden. He adjusted very well.

Oh!! About the presents. He loved could care less if he received one gift. As he was in the middle of opening his presents Christmas morning. He stood up and walked over to his books and grabbed one he has had since he was 6 months old. No matter what his reaction was and is in the future it is perfect. We are writing our own story and each day with Ayden is special. Each day seizure free is an extreme blessing for this momma and everyone that loves Ayden.

As Ayden was playing with his cousins I noticed him saying several new words. This makes me so happy. I want him to be able to communicate his needs and wants with me so bad. I'm praying the he will be well enough soon to attend some sort of daycare with other kids a couple days a week.

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