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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cranial Sacral Chiropractor

Okay, Ayden is still in his 3 month seizure cycle (June 1, 2014). We have changed his diet, began chiropractic care, followed our neurologist orders on medication, and I am at my end. I feel I have been at my "end" many times. I looked into the Carrick Brain Institute in Texas. Dr. Ted Carrick is a chiropractic neurologist that has helped many people with brain injuries. He also has helped many children with epilepsy. It is a private institution so insurance would not pay. I spoke with the center several times about the care Ayden would need and treatment plans. I was ready!!! The cost was going to be $11,000 dollars because Ayden would need to be seen daily for 10 days. There was also a consultation fee. If you have ever had a sick child you know money is no object. I would live in a tent if I had to to be able to provide him with excellent care. This course of treatment is very rigorous. He would have to do alot of different activities to stimulate different areas of the brain until they found what specific activity would "trick" Ayden's brain to not go into seizure mode. Once the brain begins misfiring it is a second nature. If life gets stressful, overtired, overstimulated, sick, etc. it will automatically go into "fight or flight" mode and begin misfiring. I will also link a you tube video of Dr. Carrick at the bottom of this post. So we made the appointment. We were scheduled for our first consultation on June 12, 2014. We would need to fly out or drive which was up in the air. I have always been afraid to fly with Ayden because the change in pressure on his brain. If you have experience flying with epilepsy please comment or email me your experience.

I had a sweet friend (Crystal) start a special account for Ayden and his expenses. She shared this information on facebook. Another sweet friend (Dana) from my hometown that had moved away 10 years ago read the post. She emailed my right away. We began chatting and she told me several things she thought could be helpful to Ayden. She recommended trying essential oils (young living) and "her" chiropractor. She could not say enough about him. I was not ready to try another chiropractor. I loved my sweet Jessica. She had been a wonderful Dr., friend, and support system for me. I was interested in the essential oils. Dana did not want me to make such a huge investment without giving the essential oils and Kurt (her chiro) a try. I was dead set that we were going to Texas. Support me or not this is all I know to do. I met Dana one day in Little Rock and she gave me some frankincense (EO). Ayden was still having seizures pretty bad. It was one of those day/nights that I wanted to pull my hair out and praying  to God to please please take these away today!!! I called Kurt and he talked to me about Ayden. He had experience with myoclonic seizures. What?? Most people have never heard of them. He has seen patients with them. I'm pretty sure this is what "sold" me. My husband and I drove Ayden to Hot Springs the next day. That is where Kurt is located. He also has a clinic in Little Rock that he sees patients at in the evenings. Kurt is a Cranial Sacral Chiropractor. He works on the cranium as well as the spine.

Kurt examined Ayden (June 6, 2014) and said his head was very "tight". He felt he could help him. Ayden did great. He even sticks his finger in his mouth and presses on the roof of his mouth. It releases the back of the neck. This keeps him from having to do much "popping". So this day began our journey with Kurt. Kurt called the next day to check on Ayden. This impressed me. Dr. Jessica was the same way. They give you an open line of communication. This means a lot to a spastic mom worrying non stop about her baby. We are still seeing Kurt today. Ayden went from having about 40 seizures a day to 10 within a few adjustments. He agreed to keep Ayden on the diet. He said that there are three parts to a healthy life. Chemical (foods), Physical (Brain-spine, nerves. - adjustments), and Emotional (love and support from his family). So with all of this being said I will say that chiropractic care has definitely helped Ayden in a positive way. (NOTE-both chiropractors that we have used are both very open about prayer and God- I LOVE THIS!!) God created our bodies to heal themselves if we give them proper care and nutrition.

I canceled our trip to Texas and at this point I still feel like that was a good decision.

Have you looked into chiropractic care or a specific kind of chiropractic care? I recommend you doing so!!
Stay tuned for a post on Essential Oils..

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