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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Strep throat and Myoclonics

November 13, 2013    Ayden was completely fine today. He was playing, laughing, walking around, and having a great time. My mom came over for a visit. He had been playing and then out of no where sat down in moms lap and had a seizure. She told me "he just jerked". I picked him up and I could tell he had a fever-103!!!! The seizures were getting very close together. He was screaming miserably. We went to the Dr. and and found out that he had strep throat. This was a good feeling because there was a cause for the fever and seizures we thought. I called the neurologist and he told me he should be better once antibiotic kicked in.

November 14-17, 2013 He ran a fever and continued to have seizures. We were not getting better at this point. 

November 18, 2013    I decided to take him to the hospital. I did not know any other option. Went to ACH and was admitted for a 24 hr EEG. At this point I felt that was useless. I knew he was having myoclonic seizures. They had not changed. The results confirmed my theory. They actually only left the wires hooked up to him for about three hours because he had so many. The Dr. had us up the  zonegran to 75mg a day. 25mg morning and 50mg at night along with 6ml keppra daily. We stayed that night and was released the next day. So we have had a spinal tap, MRI, multiple EEG's and there is no cause for the seizures. They have told us that he will most likely grow out of them because he is developing normal. He does not seem to have any cognitive delay which is a big factor in an underlying issue. They cannot tell me by what age or any other information. I was also told during this stay that if these two medications did not work that it was likely the other AED's will not. (Great news, right?) He also told me to think about a VNS- vagal nerve stimulator, ketatonic diet, etc. in case it was needed in the future. He was falling constantly from the jerks at this point and they suggested a helmet where only his eyes would show to keep him safe. I wanted to protect him, but that sounded so sad. Luckily, we never had to wear one of those.  

November 19, 2013    Discharged

November 20-30, 2013 Seizures continued. They would lessen in amount each day. 

December 1, 2013       Seizure free

(Thanksgiving 2013)

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