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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Feeling a little clumsy: Part 2

February 15, 2014       Ayden is having seizures about 10-12 an hour. I noticed that he had more when he was using his pincher fingers. If he tries to turn pages in a book or little things like that causes them. It's almost like he has electricity coming out of them. He was 9 months old before he could pick up anything with his pincher fingers. The Dr. told me that was normal. He has always had some sensory issues as well.

February 16, 2014      Ayden has had very few seizures today. He has been a very happy baby. These days are so few and far between. I am thanking God for my happy baby. It sure makes for a happy momma!! Ayden did not want to nap much.

February 17, 2014       We went to the chiropractor this morning and he was clear down to C5. It was out so she adjusted it as well as his back and his shoulder. His balance was off after the adjustment. I was worried, but all was well. He did pretty good on the ride home and was playful. He took a 2 hr nap and woke up happy. All started going down hill around 5pm. Ayden had about 3 seizures tonight.

February 18, 2014        Ayden woke up having a lot of small seizures. Everything he tried to touch with his hands would make him have one. It was like he had electricity in his little fingers. I also noticed that all he wanted to do was touch and pick at things. He really moved them a lot like he had never felt them before or something (strange). He was having around 4 a minute sometimes. I was able to get him down for a nap around 9 and when he woke up they were much better. He would just have a few every once in a while. He was able to play and walk. He slept last night from 8-4am. This is rare he wakes up multiple times a night. I asked Dr. Jessica about how he acted with his fingers. She said that they may have been numb due to the nerve ending. When she corrected a sublaxation blood was able to flow freely through them. She is so wonderful to answer me day and night!

February 19, 2014        Ayden is still having some small seizures. We went to the chiropractor today and his scans are looking really good. He is staying clear up top. She adjusted his upper back today. He napped when we got home and seizures became more prevalent about 5:30. He was still able to play. He had a couple of strong ones. =(

February 20, 2014       Ayden woke up pretty good. The seizures were still frequent but not severe. He took a small morning nap( 15min.) and when he woke up they were still about the same. He had diarrhea and would not eat. His teeth seem to be really bothering him. He was real fussy all day. He would not eat supper. He took a 2 hr nap.

February 21, 2014        Ayden woke up fussy again with teeth pain. His seizures are still about the same. We went to the chiropractor. His scans are looking really good. He was clear all the way to his T10 and T11. She adjusted that as well as his L3 and 4. He played well at the office. His balance is a little better than yesterday. He has never had good balance. The car ride was descent. I bought the probiotic and Vitamin D Dr. Jessica suggested today. We also discussed his vagus nerve. He does not have a gag reflex as of November. So we are anxious to see how it heals and if it starts functioning properly. (In case I forget to mention this later. He now has a gag reflex!! =))

February 22, 2014        Ayden woke up with a slight cold. He is still having diarrhea as well. His cold is runny nose, and cough. His balance is okay not the best. He is having some seizure activity, but not to where he can’t play. He has no appetite and his teeth are really bothering him.

February 23, 2014        Ayden is still sick with his little cold. His seizures are mainly blinking ones. Not too many. He felt really bad this morning and took a 2 hour nap. He played pretty good. We went to see Curtis (His pepaw) and he danced and played. His did not have diarrhea today, but he still will not eat.
February 24, 2014        We went to our chiropractor today and his scans were not too good. His left side was all out. I’m not sure if it is really a true reading because he was so fussy. He cried the whole time we were back there and the whole way home. It started at his C2-C5. She adjusted those. He just seemed to really feel bad today. He has not had a seizure that I noticed yet today, but I’m sure later today they will start up. That’s what happened last Monday.

February 25, 2014        Everything stayed calm. Ayden is doing great! Happy Healthy Baby = Happy Momma!!! 

This cycle lasted 16 days...

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