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Friday, November 7, 2014

Myoclonics are BACK!!

June 24, 2013 Ayden woke up having jerks constantly. More than 1 a minute like 10-15 a minute. If you can only imagine the way I felt. I had no control over my child. He could not be out of my arms because they were so intense that they would knock him backwards if he was sitting and make him fall if he was trying to crawl.This went on for 3 days.Yes- 3 horrible very long days. I'm not really sure how I survived. I prayed alot. I begged God to take these horrible things away from my baby. Give them to me. Give me anything- just make him better. PLEASE PLEASE!!!  I called Dr. Sharp (Ayden's neurologist- Chief of Neurology at ACH) on Monday and he said to give Ayden 1.5ml of Keppra 2x a day. We did exactly what he said. From the beginning I have been petrified of the AED (Anti-epileptic Drugs). I also sent him a video of Ayden having the "jerks". He told me they looked like myoclonic seizures. Yes- I was crazy!! What parent wants to hear their child is having seizures. The Dr.'s act like its no big deal. Nothing to be alarmed about. NOT BE ALARMED?? MY LIFE IS UPSIDE DOWN AND SIDEWAYS!!! They started to decrease on Thursday of that week (June27). He still had them until Sunday June 30. Like magic they would be gone. It was so crazy. I could usually tell you exactly how long each cycle would last and when another would begin by this time. 

Back Up::: The day before we went to a swimming birthday party. It was a very hot June day. I didn't let Ayden stay in the sun much because of his age, but I was trying to let him live as normal of a life that I could manage. (Mommy has major issues when her life baby boy is sick.) There were a lot of people there. So that means alot of stimulation for Ayden. Stimulation can trigger seizures. FYI- Any foods, lotions, smells, etc that contain stimulants can trigger seizures. At this time in Ayden's little life any and everything triggered them. 

(Ayden with his cousin Lauren)

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