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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ear Infection = Fever = Seizures

March 24, 2014    It was about 11pm and Ayden was crying after only about 2 hours of sleep. I was so tired and aggravated that he was already awake. I asked Justin to get up with him. I was just in such a deep state of tiredness. I normally jump right up, but not this time. He agreed to go in and take care of him. It wasn't long until he came and got me. He told me something was wrong. He just wasn't acting right. I immediately jumped up adrenaline pumping. He was right. Ayden had something going on besides being a fussy baby not wanting to sleep. I held him for  a while and nursed him. Nothing helped. He was so upset. He was very nervous. I could tell as I held him his body was going though some sort of shock. I gave him IB profen and cuddled him the best I could. About an hour later he had his first seizure. We knew it was coming. It's kind of like death. No matter how much you prepare you are never ready for that first jerk/seizure. My husband and I both knew he was sick. We just had to wait until the morning to get him to see a Dr. I texted my best friend and she gave me the number to her personal friend that is a pediatrician. We were able to get in right away. He had a double ear infection. We had to give him antibiotics which I hate. I feel like sometimes I do not have any other option because of the obstacles we face dealing with the seizures.

We are still going to the chiropractor 3 days a week. I have changed Ayden's diet. I will make a separate post about what all I changed. He is taking 75 mg zonegran a day and 6ml keppra daily. This cycle continued for a very long time. He was not seizure free for longer than 3 days until June 23, 2014. Yes, that is 3 months of seizures!!!!!! My baby has had many more days with seizures in his life than without. How sad is that??

I have had many ups and downs as a mommy. I can completely sympathize with anyone that takes care of a sick person especially their baby. The people that have never walked your shoes HAVE NO IDEA!!!!

May 5, 2014     We had our regular visit with our neurologist. I told him all about the diet, chiropractic care, and how Ayden was still having the seizures. He feels they are being controlled. I do not agree with this. He is still telling me that Ayden is on track developmentally which is a great sign that he will soon out grow them. As we all know to out grow them we must stop having seizures for a period of time. I am waiting on t
+/8hat period of time. He suggested that we get off the keppra and up the zonegran. So now we are to taper off the keppra slowly, and up zonegran to 50mg in the morning and 50mg at night. I'm not one for medicating Ayden with AED's because they have not stopped the seizures, but what if he was not on them. What would be going on? It's a really hard battle that I fight internally. I only want to do what is best for Ayden today, tomorrow, and in his future, I do not want to give him something at 1 that can adversely affect him at 6 or 16. This is a very hard part of my life and discussing my feeling with others. They are only thinking about now. Just give him the medicine. What are you thinking wanting to try other options besides modern medicine? I have researched just as you have if your child is going through this and we know alot more about adverse affects than they do. Follow your mommy gut if you're in this situation.


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