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Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Good Times- Ayden's 1st Birthday

This blog is dedicated to sharing our story. There are more parts to it than just those moments of complete terror when Ayden is going through a seizure cycle. There are good times as well. Ayden was seizure free from August 13, 2013-November 13, 2013. That was the longest time we had a break from these vicious monsters. (Medications he was taking- Keppra 3ml 2x a day, Zonegran-25mg at night.) During this time Ayden celebrated his first birthday!!! My baby boy was born on October 1st. We celebrated on September 27th with a western themed party. We had a great time! When you have a sick baby you wonder if you will ever get to experience these simple HUGE milestones. Ayden was not a happy little baby from birth. He did not really like crowds, and noises seemed to really bother him. When we were all singing happy birthday to him he did not like everyone looking at him. I think this all goes back to his birth and the entire first year of his life with his nervous system. I will post about that another time. After his party everyone left except my immediate family. We played with the kids outside and they all seemed to have fun. I have some cute pictures to prove it!!!

Ayden was not walking yet, but he could crawl anywhere he wanted to go. When he would go through a seizure cycle he would have set backs. If he had been crawling and was not able to due to the fact I had to hold him constantly his little body would be too weak. He would have to regain that strength. :( During this three month cycle I was one happy momma. I just knew our nightmare was over and prayers had been answered.

After Ayden turned one we went for his one year check up. We used Dr. Choate in NLR. He was fabulous and he was the first one to see Ayden after being born at four days old. He knew how tough of a birth Ayden had been through. So here we are in this office and Ayden has been vaccinated until this point. (Note- he had his first myoclonic seizure two weeks after having his six month shots.) I'm really nervous about what I need to do. I'm alone in this office. Dr. Choate told me that it was very unlikely these vaccines would cause him to seize. He also recommended the flu vaccine. I trusted him so I went along with it. This was my mistake. I had not informed myself on what was in these vaccines, how many they wanted to give him, statistics on children with seizures, research on how it affects the nervous system. Nothing!! I can beat myself up all day about that, but the fact is that I gave them to him and I cant take it back. A couple days later his legs had huge knots in them. (To be expected right?) They stayed there for about a month. They were HUGE!! Exactly ten days after receiving the vaccines he spiked a high fever. It was 102.5 I believe. He was miserable. He cried constantly. All those toxins were completely in his system at this time. (that's what the DR told me anyway) Yep, you guessed it a few days later was November 13th when this vicious cycle started all over again. I'm not saying it was due to the vaccines because I have no idea. I just know if I could take back that day I would not have vaccinated him. He did get sick on November 13th with an illness that was most likely the main trigger for the November 13th cycle as well that I will discuss in the next post.  His nervous system was already in complete fight mode when the illness came on due to being filled with toxins from the vaccines. Check out these pictures of my sweet boy!!

(Dad, Mom, and Ayden)

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