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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Feeling a little Clumsy: Part 1

January 1, 2014 has approached us and this is our year. A year that begins a seizure free life for Ayden. Our dreaded nightmare is over. I could have only hoped. Until...

February 7,2014          Ayden's balance was off from the start this morning. I noticed him falling when nothing was around to fall over. Once, I was watching him and it was like his feet just flew out from under him. I started getting that gut feeling something was going to happen. He would also shake his head and neck around like it felt weird. I noticed him beating at his ears like they itched. That night during bath time he had a strong myoclonic seizure. I grabbed him up in a towel screaming for Justin telling him he just had one. He seemed fine. I'm sure I shook him up more than anything. I put him back in the bath and finished bathing him. Right then I called Dr. Jessica and left her a message to call me back. She did right away. I was in complete "freak out" mode. She told me we would start care right away. Only one that day/night.

February 8, 2014        Ayden played pretty normal today. He had 4 seizures altogether today.

February 9, 2014         Ayden had 4-5 seizures during the day. We went to see Dr. Jessica (chiropractor) on a Sunday night. His C1 was a 7.9 on the scan. That is in the black which is pretty bad. She adjusted this sublaxation. He seemed a little irritated as she touched it. Once she adjusted him- he unclenched his hands immediately. Justin and I noticed it at the same time. They did start clenching again a little later. That was really neat to experience. He started having more seizures after we left.

February 10, 2014        We went back to chiropractor first thing this morning. Justin and I decided to stay in a hotel in LR so we would be close. He was having 10-12 an hour first thing that morning. It was so sad. If I remember correctly this was our first time in a hotel. He wanted to run down the halls and play, but he couldn't the seizures were so strong. I had to hold him. His scan was down to a 3.2 so she adjusted C1 again. He was pretty irritated all day. He was having them about 10-12 an hour. He did nap for 1 /2 hr when we got home.

February 11, 2014        This morning started strong with seizures. Mid- morning he played really good. Very  few seizures. He was so happy!!! He took a nap and once he woke up they became more frequent.

February 12, 2014         He had an absence seizure this morning as we were getting ready to go to chiropractor. This is the first time this has happened since May 2013. He had been having a pretty good morning up until this point. I was completely out of control. I just knew I had done this to my baby. I caused him to have a different type of seizure. I called the chiropractor crying. I asked her could he die? I was so upset. My grandmother and Dr. Jessica convinced me to go ahead and go in for the adjustment. His scans showed really good progress. C1 was clear and C2 was a 4. She Adjusted C2. Dr. Jessica told us how it would work its way out like a twisted rope. The sublaxation would move down the spine until the spine was clear.

February 13,2014        This morning A woke up with strong seizures. Myoclonic seizures are known to occur after waking. Our experience has not been the average case. Nothing in my little baby's life has been the "average" case. We usually experience a high volume of them throughout the entire day. Mid morning until early evening was good. He was able to play and be a happy little boy. This evening they intensified again. ( Note he takes his meds about 8am and 8pm daily)

February 14, 2014       Happy Valentine's Day!! So many things you want to experience with your little one and a day like today is not one you want in the baby book. His morning was pretty good only 3 or 4 seizures before visiting the chiropractor. In the car he had about 3 or 4. That's another thing Ayden has never liked is the car seat. We started making 3 trips a week to see our Chiropractor that is 130 miles from our home round trip. To watch him having seizures in the backseat through your rear view mirror is HORRIBLE!! His C1 still clear C2 clear and C3 was 8. Adjusted C3 and his back. She wanted to adjust his back so they could balance and work together. Very calm after leaving chiropractor. He napped for about 2.5 hrs. Once he woke up he had 10 or so an hour.YES, AN HOUR!!!  I did sneak a super cute picture of my Valentine.

Valentine's Day 2014

The first night of Chiropractic Care

Our wonderful Dr. Jessica

To Be Continued.........

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