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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ambulance Ride

May 23, 2013 Ayden woke up and played for about 5 minutes and then seemed to stare off. I picked him up and called his name- no response. I took him outside constantly calling his name and after about 1 minute he became alert again. I sat him up to make sure he could still sit up and he seemed normal except very fussy. He laid down for a nap around 11:15 for about 45 minutes. He woke up and played for about 5 minutes. He went into a daze with his eyes locked in place. He never took a breath or responded. We took him outside, called his name, shook him- nothing. We got in vehicle and headed to the hospital. He came back to us after around 4 minutes. We met the ambulance on the HWY and they took him to Stuttgart. He had another episode at Stuttgart Hospital so they sent us by ambulance to ACH. While in Stuttgart they took a urine sample and did a chest XRay. He had another episode in the ambulance after waking. When we arrived at ACH he kept having these episodes. 7 total for the day. They gave him Keppra through IV and he did not have anymore. We stayed the night and had an MRI the next day. All results were normal. They released us the 24th on 1ml of Keppra 2x a day. They told us that this could have just been a "bad" day. He may never have another seizure. How wonderful that would have been. If that would have been the path God directed us on I would not be here sharing my story with you. 

(In Ambulance being transferred from Stuttgart to ACH)

                                                  (May 24,2013)

                                                   (Headed Home- May 24)

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