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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Second Opinion @ Le Bonheur Children's Hospital

What do you do? What's the next step? Can anyone in the USA tell us more about seizures. Can someone find us that right medication? I am willing to travel anywhere to get answers and a seizure free life forever for Ayden.

I was referred to Le Bonheur by a friend. So we went there. It was about 2 hours from our house. So not too bad of a drive. Ayden is a terrible rider. He did excellent. I was so proud!! I can't tell you the Dr.'s name because I can't pronounce it, much less spell it. My sister went with us and that was nice. When you are going through so much emotionally sometimes you just need an extra set of hands and a driver to relax. She was great at both. The Dr. was really nice and he took his time with us. He examined Ayden and asked alot of questions. He felt his traumatic birth could have definitely played a role in the seizures as well as many other things. He said the medication ACH prescribed was exactly what he would have given him. He also wanted to do another dreaded EEG so he could have his own set of data. (Really- we have to put my child through the torture of being held down for another 15 minutes) Of course we stayed and had the test done. This time they wrapped him up like a burrito so he couldn't fight them. It was a great idea. The results from this EEG was normal activity for a healthy brain because he was not having seizures this day. If he is having seizures the brain waves will spike.

We went to Le Bonheur in late August 2013.

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