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Monday, November 10, 2014

Chiropractic Care for Babies: Have you lost your mind?

One night in the day and the life of Ayden's mom someone told me they thought they knew something that could help Ayden. What? Anything? I'm so ready to hear this.. Take him to a chiropractor... Ummm my little baby?? Yes, they knew of a pediatric chiropractor that they thought could help Ayden. They gave me her email. I decided to get some more information. It was a Sunday night. She returned my email that night and also offered to call me so we could talk. She called and gave me some great information. I did not understand a lot of it, but she was wonderful to send me data, links, and educational documents supporting her theory. My husband and I decided to take Ayden in for a consultation. We didn't tell anyone. I have always been very private about Ayden's health issues to an extent. No one would know anything until it was bad enough I wanted everyone to pray for him. Oh my goodness I'm not sure I could have made it without so many kind people stopping what they were doing to pray. They still are to this day!! =)))))

Consultation: We met in Dr. Jessica's office. She told us all about how the brain, spine, and nervous system are connected. She also told us that she believed all of this went hand in hand with the way his hands were always clenched, our horrific car seat rides, sleep issues, etc. She informed me of the important roles our food has on our brain and nervous system. Wow, How have I made it through life this far knowing so little about the human body. Dr. Jessica felt strongly that if Ayden had been adjusted from birth due to his traumatic birth things would be different. I agree with her. You know that feeling if only we could go back in time.. =/  If you have not ever looked into chiropractic care I suggest you do so today.

Exam: The chiropractor wanted to examine Ayden. She used a thermal scan to measure his temperature at each vertebrae. Ayden's C1 was out of alignment quite a bit. That is the cervical vertebrae that is connected with seizures. Am I convinced?? Not yet!!

We went home and I thought about this daily as I rocked my baby to sleep. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't risk something happening to him because of something I did to him. When you have never experienced the rewards of a healthier life due to chiropractic care you just can't understand. I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way.

      Ayden @ Precision Chiropractic and Wellness December 2013

Check back to hear about Ayden's first adjustment.

For more information on how Chiropractic care can help you. Visit Dr. Jessica's website.

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